Monday, 13 May 2013

Re: Quails In The Classroom (Quick Quail Questionnaire)

What did the participants have to say about their experiences with Quail In The Classroom?
lets find out...

All participants in both Part 1 and Part 2 of Quail In The Classroom were asked to fill out a Quick Quail Questionnaire. Some responses were better than other so below I will provide you with some of my favourites. PLEASE NOTE: all these responses were taken directly from the Quick Quail Questionnaire and were not modified in any way.

same colour= same person

thank-you to all 16 participants from two  B.C. high schools.

Are you a teacher? Do you want your own copy of the Quick Quail Questionnaire?
 click here.

Quick Quail Questionnaire

1. Do you think that having a quail in your classroom could improve your learning? Why or, why not?

 Yes, I think quails will help by if you get to stressful or bored you can look at the quail. 

 Sure because they would keep us company. 

 Yes because it could improve your learning by learning how it can reproduce. 

 Yes, it can educate us in subjects like reproduction and life.

No, because where supose to learn about science and quails could distract us. 

I think that it would be more beneficial for younger kids to teach them about caring for animals and how they reproduce. 

2. Did you enjoy the experience of having a quail in your classroom? Why or, why not?

 Yes, I did because I got to hold the quail and care for it. It was a great experience. 

 It's cool, but some people get distracted easily and that aggravates me. 

 Yes. Quails are very adorable and it really rightened up the vibe in the classroom.

yes because it was fun having a pet in the classroom

3. What did you learn from this experience?

I learned that quails need incubator and only a 50% chance will hatch.  

They are very small. 

That a lot of living things start a similar way.


That there are people out there that own quails as pets just like dogs or cats or fish.

I learnt about quails, blogging and quail blogging. 

you shouldnt be loud when there hatching

4. Any comments, questions or concerns? Please feel free to express yourself below.

How long do quails live. 

I like holding Quails!

Twins for humans in 1 in 88 births. What are the chances of twins in an egg? Are eggs caused by being impregnated or do they naturally come?

Your quails are cute.

Sorry, but no.

Last but not least,

Here is a response from a quail-loving teacher.


  1. Is everything okay? You have not posted in a while and my quails are starting to be depressed as they liked reading your posts (I taught then myself how to read).

  2. Im sorry to hear that. I have been busy lately because I have adopted A chicken and her 5 baby chicks. I will return soon.

  3. Chickens and quails both are very lovely. I have a quail farm.

  4. quail business is a profitable business indeed you can,the good thing about it is the quick roi it gives

  5. It's been a decade since I last commented but I do check on this blog from time to time to relive the memories, lol. Hope you're well.
