Friday, 21 December 2012

4 things you should (and should not) say or do with your quail this Christmas

With now only 4 days left to go (yay!) our quail are as restless as small children on Christmas eve. They are more excited than ever because for all of them, this will be their first Christmas. I was trying to explain the whole Santa Claus thing to my favorite quail Gimpy (please don't tell my other quail that I have favorites) the other night however, I think she might still be a little confused.


ME: So every year on Christmas Eve Santa Claus gets into his sleigh and then him and his magic reindeer fly all over the world delivering presents to all the good boys and girls.

GIMPY: And quail?!

ME: ...yes and quail.

GIMPY: Are you sure?!?

ME: Yes, Gimpy I'm sure. As long as you have been a good little quaill, I'm sure that Santa will bring you something nice.

GIMPY: (thinking profoundly) How does Santa know whether you have been naughty or nice?

ME: ...he just does. Good night Gimpy.

GIMPY: Wait I'm not done! Will I see Santa?

ME: No GImpy, Santa will only come when you are sound asleep and usually we leave cookies and milk for him but since you a quail, you might as well leave him an egg (no cracks or deformations please). Good night Gimpy!

GIMPY: One more thing!

ME: (annoyed) Yes, Gimpy.
GIMPY: How will Santa get into my house (cage).

ME: He will go down the chimney. Good night Gimpy!!

GImpy: (crying) OH NO!!! WE DON'T HAVE A CHIMNEY!!

So as you can see, the whole Santa discussion did not go as planed so therefore on the 4th day (before) Christmas gave to me:
4 things you should (and should not) say or do with your quail this Christmas

1. DO:
-tell your quail that there is a Santa Claus
-mention that he is human (probably it would be better make him a quail)

2. DO:
-tell your quail that Santa will bring presents
-mention any presents that human children might get (your quail will be happy with anything there is no need to inform them on what they are missing out on)

3. DO:
- organize a special Christmas dinner for your quail.
-give them any turkey (for obvious reasons)

4 DO: Give your quail the best Christmas ever.
DON'T: Not give them the best Christmas ever (:

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