Friday, 23 November 2012

(about) 112 ways to say quail

Yes, my quail are Canadian Coturnix (form Japan) however, your quail are probably not (and that's OK). Did you know that here at we promote global friendship between all species of quail and all species of owners? So, even if you (your quail) are not Canadian and are not Coturnix you are still our friends and we are still yours. Did you know that there are roughly 45 different species of quail who live all over the Glope? Probably not. 

 Anyway,as a way of promoting GQF (global quail friendship) we are requesting that if you (the loving quail owner) comment below leaving your name, your quails name(s)  and your location. 


Hannah Johnston (Lucky)
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Then, on December 15th 2012 in honor of Global Quail Friendship Day I will collect all of the data and create a map, pinpointing all of the quails and their locations. Please do not feel shy towards the participation in this project. Together let's make December 15th the best Global Quail Friendship Day ever!

Thank you in advance for your participation,

-Hannah Johnston
CEO of

After many, many long hours of searching the word "QUAIL" is 112 dictionaries,
 I finally found 112 ways to say the word quail........
1.  English Language (Main) : Quail
2. Afrikaans Language : kwartel
3.  Albanian Language : trembem
4.  Arabic Language : السمان
5. Armenian Language : լոր
6. Azerbaijani Language : bildirçin
7. Basque Language : galeper
8. Belarusian Language : Перапёлка
9.  Bulgaria Language : пъдпъдък
10. Catalan Language : guatlla
11. Chinese (Simplified) Language : 鹌鹑
12. Chinese (Traditional) Language : 鵪鶉
13. Croatian Language : prepelica
14.  Czech Language : kÅ™epelka
15.  Danish Language : vagtler
16. Dutch Language : kwartel
17.  Estonian Language : põldvutt
18.  Filipino Language : masiraan ng loob
19.  Finnish Language : viiriäinen
20. French Language : caille
31.  Galician Language : domicilio
32.  Georgian Language : მწყერი
.  German Language : Wachtel
61. Greek Language : ορτύκι
62.  Haitian Creole Language : kay
71.  Hebrew Language : לדרוש
72.  Hindi Language : बटेर
80.  Hungarian Language : fürj
81.  Icelandic Language : Quail
82.  Indonesian Language : burung puyuh
83.  Irish Language : cearca fraoigh
84.  Italian Language : quaglia
85.  Japanese Language : ウズラ
86.  Korean Language : 메추라기
87.  Latvian Language : paipala
88.  Lithuanian Language : putpelÄ—s
89. Macedonia Language : плаша
90.  Malay Language : burung puyuh
91.  Maltese Language : summien
92.  Norwegian Language : vaktel
93.  Persian Language : بلدرچین
94.  Polish Language : przepiórka
95.  Portugese Language : codorna
96.  Romanian Language : prepeliţă
97.  Russian Language : перепел
98. Serbian Language : препелица
99.  Slovak Language : prepelica
100.  Slovenian Language : prepelice
101.  Spanish Language : codorniz
102. Swahili Language : Tombo
103. Swedish Language : vaktel
104. Thai Language : นกกระทา
105.  Turkish Language : bıldırcın
106.  Urdu Language : بٹیر
107. Vietnamese Language : nư sinh viên
108. Pig Latin Language:ailquay
109: Backwards Language: liauq
111: Welsh Language : sofliar
112: Yiddish Language : וואַכטל


  1. Robert Berge (Quooble)
    Cape Town, South Africa

    1. Hi Robert ( quooble) I just thought I'd let you know that I am visiting South Africa,

  2. Tiara Kissinger (Gimpy)
    Vancouver, BC Canada

  3. Steven Oldenburg (Kikasskwale)
    San Diego, CA

  4. I'm loving your quail's name!
