Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Friday, 23 November 2012

Got Quail Fan Mail?

Hey, are you a BIG fan of ilovemyquail?!?! Do you have a passion for quail and do you consider yourself a QBFF4life? Most importantly, are you a quail lover?!?!?! If you answered, "YES!!!!!"  to anyone of these questions, go ahead and email us at (we won't bite!). Feel free to send us any suggestions, comments and or questions you might have.

We look forward to hearing from you!

-Hannah Johnston
CEO of

(about) 112 ways to say quail

Yes, my quail are Canadian Coturnix (form Japan) however, your quail are probably not (and that's OK). Did you know that here at we promote global friendship between all species of quail and all species of owners? So, even if you (your quail) are not Canadian and are not Coturnix you are still our friends and we are still yours. Did you know that there are roughly 45 different species of quail who live all over the Glope? Probably not. 

 Anyway,as a way of promoting GQF (global quail friendship) we are requesting that if you (the loving quail owner) comment below leaving your name, your quails name(s)  and your location. 


Hannah Johnston (Lucky)
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Then, on December 15th 2012 in honor of Global Quail Friendship Day I will collect all of the data and create a map, pinpointing all of the quails and their locations. Please do not feel shy towards the participation in this project. Together let's make December 15th the best Global Quail Friendship Day ever!

Thank you in advance for your participation,

-Hannah Johnston
CEO of

After many, many long hours of searching the word "QUAIL" is 112 dictionaries,
 I finally found 112 ways to say the word quail........
1.  English Language (Main) : Quail
2. Afrikaans Language : kwartel
3.  Albanian Language : trembem
4.  Arabic Language : السمان
5. Armenian Language : լոր
6. Azerbaijani Language : bildirçin
7. Basque Language : galeper
8. Belarusian Language : Перапёлка
9.  Bulgaria Language : пъдпъдък
10. Catalan Language : guatlla
11. Chinese (Simplified) Language : 鹌鹑
12. Chinese (Traditional) Language : 鵪鶉
13. Croatian Language : prepelica
14.  Czech Language : kÅ™epelka
15.  Danish Language : vagtler
16. Dutch Language : kwartel
17.  Estonian Language : põldvutt
18.  Filipino Language : masiraan ng loob
19.  Finnish Language : viiriäinen
20. French Language : caille
31.  Galician Language : domicilio
32.  Georgian Language : მწყერი
.  German Language : Wachtel
61. Greek Language : ορτύκι
62.  Haitian Creole Language : kay
71.  Hebrew Language : לדרוש
72.  Hindi Language : बटेर
80.  Hungarian Language : fürj
81.  Icelandic Language : Quail
82.  Indonesian Language : burung puyuh
83.  Irish Language : cearca fraoigh
84.  Italian Language : quaglia
85.  Japanese Language : ウズラ
86.  Korean Language : 메추라기
87.  Latvian Language : paipala
88.  Lithuanian Language : putpelÄ—s
89. Macedonia Language : плаша
90.  Malay Language : burung puyuh
91.  Maltese Language : summien
92.  Norwegian Language : vaktel
93.  Persian Language : بلدرچین
94.  Polish Language : przepiórka
95.  Portugese Language : codorna
96.  Romanian Language : prepeliţă
97.  Russian Language : перепел
98. Serbian Language : препелица
99.  Slovak Language : prepelica
100.  Slovenian Language : prepelice
101.  Spanish Language : codorniz
102. Swahili Language : Tombo
103. Swedish Language : vaktel
104. Thai Language : นกกระทา
105.  Turkish Language : bıldırcın
106.  Urdu Language : بٹیر
107. Vietnamese Language : nư sinh viên
108. Pig Latin Language:ailquay
109: Backwards Language: liauq
111: Welsh Language : sofliar
112: Yiddish Language : וואַכטל

Monday, 19 November 2012

Are you a quail lover? Take this quirky quail quiz to find out.

Quirky Quail Quiz:

So you have a quail, and now you are a Quail Lover right?! No...WRONG ANSWER. To be a quail lover you must see past owning a quail(s) and you must dig deeper. Yes technically you do own a quail(s) but is a mutual trust existent? Are you QBFF4life? Dying to know if you are in fact Quail Lover? Take this quiz to find out:

1. When changing your quail(s) food and water what do you do?

a) change their food and water
b) briefly acknowledge their existence then change their food and water.
c) say hello and ask them how it's going and then change their food and water
d) engage in a lengthy conversation with them then change their food,water, refill their sand bath, check for eggs  and tell them about your day.

2. Your favorite thing about owning quail is...

a) do not have one...quails are a lot of work
b) their eggs
c) listening to the cute sounds they make
d) they are always willing to listen to you talk about their problems, they are your true friends and always know what to say when you are feeling down.

3. How has owning quail impacted your life?

a) it hasn't
b) it has stopped me from eating/shooting quail
c) it has helped me appreciate wildlife in a new way
d) it has changed my life in a million different ways

4. Which term listed below best describes your quail(s)?

a) pests
b) rodents
c) pets
d) my QBFF4life

5. How often do you visit:

a) never I found it by mistake and i'm a quail hater
b) rarely (once a year) 
c) every month or so
d) every day (somedays more than once) i love my quail and I'm also a member!!!

Alright now that you have taken the :Quirky Quail Quiz scroll down to check your answers

(sorry quails cannot spell (*scrolling*) but don't blame them if you have not already notices they have small heads in comparison to their bodies hence, they have small brains)

If you did not get 5/5 or 100% (you are not a Quail Lover) but  don't worry about it. All you need to do is read this blog from beginning to end a couple of times (it's not like you need to learn quail!) and BECOME A QUAIL LOVER TODAY (QUAIL LOVERS LIVE TWICE AS LONG AS NON-QUAIL LOVERS *PROVEN FACT* 

Saturday, 17 November 2012

That's so QUAIL!

Yesterday I attended my first job interview. I know what you're thinking...what does going to a job interview have to do with quail . No! I was not being interviewed to work at the farm or even at Quail Creek Retirement Care; I was actually applying for a babysitting job. So anyway, here is how is went down.

MOTHER: So Hannah, tell me about yourself. What are your interests?

ME: I love track and field and I really enjoy Bikram Yoga.

MOTHER: What is your favorite subject in school?

ME: I really like foods class and I also really like English because I like to write.

MOTHER: What sort of things do like write about?

ME: Well actually I keep a blog.

MOTHER: That so neat! What do you write about?

ME: I write about my pets.

MOTHER: What kind of pet do you have?

ME: quail...


---true story
moral of the story: do not mention your quail in a job interview...

Monday, 12 November 2012


We starting to become...concerned for our "male of a quail" has gone...mad.

Every time I peer into our quail habitat he is pecking on the wires as if to say, "Let me out!".  Anyone else experienced this problem before. If so, please comment below. I am starting to worry... 

Sunday, 11 November 2012


I know what your thinking...
However, are quails are *not* spoiled  but they are in fact "well taken care of" .  Yes , that's right we conjoined our two quail units together to form a "quail condo" and we also added plastic sheets (a winter only cage adaptation) and a second sand box (our quails may have "sharing problems"). Displayed below is an image of our award worthy contraption and as you can see, the quails are loving the extra room to you what they do all day in...





Saturday, 10 November 2012

Top Read for Quail Lovers

That Quail Robert 
by: Margret A. Stanger

That little bird
That one
The Nation's Heart...

IN LOS ANGLELES: "Robert revealed to those about her (he turned out to be a she) that there is indeed a universal language that all life shares. It's called love."
-Los Angleles Herald-Examiner

"That Quail Robert" by Margaret A. Stanger is a true story about a little bobwhite quail named Robert who is raised by a family of humans. When Dr. Thomas Kienzle and his wife Mildred, a retired couple from Cape Cod, Massachusetts came upon an abandoned quail egg one day, they decided that they might as well try to hatch it. I don't wan't to give away the story for you but lets just say that from this moment on in the story this retired couple's life would be changed forever.  I highly recommend this book to any and every quail lover out there, it's just one of those books that forces you to smile. 

If you have read or do end up reading "That Quail Robert" please do comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts!