How do you give your urban quail the life he/she deserves??? I'd start with trying to make their life as your pet the most rural as possible. By trying to make "real wildlife scenarios" for your pet you will help them to gain independence and learn important survival tactics. Here are five useful tips.
1.Make sure your quail coop is roomy. - The last thing that you want is for your quail to become territorial. The recommended space requirements are 1 sq. ft. per bird. However, this figure is an estimate and depends entirely on the birds themselves.
2.Give your quail a chance to explore the great outdoors.- We also have an alternate pen for our quail so that when the weather is nice, we can let them roam around freely on the grass without having to worry about predators.
3. Let them find their own food.- Just like chickens quail love to eat just about anything they can fins in the grass! Pecking for worms, wood bugs and even ants keeps your quail active and alert plus it provides them with protein.

4. Make their living environment as rural as possible.-Insert branches, rocks and even sand into your quail's environment to make them feel "at home".

5. Don't over handle them.-I know how tempting it is to want to play with your quail however there is a limit. Next time, trying observing them from afar instead of cuddling them to death! If you sit and watch them long enough you may get to see some of their most funny and unusual behaviour!!
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