Tuesday, 24 July 2012

A Male Of A Quail

Here is a photo of our male.
Its fairly easy to tell the difference between male and female quails because  of their colour markings and body size. The male has a distinct rusty, reddish chest where as the female has a white chest with mottled black. Females are generally heavier with a broader chest and the males have a more slim appearance. Males also have foamy poop a distinct call, and are often running around attempting to mate with females, which lay the eggs. 

Here is a very detailed diagram to show the differences between the male and female quail and below is a real-life photo camparrison.

Female (left)                  Male (right)

There isn't anything in the world that our male quail loves more than his ladies and to prove this, I took a short video clip of what exactly happens when our male is separated from his girls. Watch him run around franticly in our yard as he crows on, hoping that one of his ladies will hear his mating call.


  1. Omg I love the way he runs! So cute!

    1. I know right! I <3 my male of a quail!

  2. LMAO! adorable. I just adopted a fledgling quail from our city shelter. Some foam in poop. from what I'm reading that's a sign of a male? Kiwi is energetic, in high spirits and very vocal…speaking of I better get back to putting together his new coop LMAO!
